The Daily Nikki

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Street Pajamas

My New Uniform White T-shirt

Since the middle of March, I’ve lived in some old Vermont Country Store ski pajamas that are past due to become cleaning rags. Thanks to grocery delivery and a great friend who picked up things for me at Trader Joe or Aldi, I only went out for solitary walks wearing gear only slightly more respectable. When I started to venture out with a mask and gloves to race through the grocery with a list as if I were a game show contestant, wearing actual clothes came as a complete shock to my system.

That’s when I fell in love with the Marine Layer white swing tee that has become my supermarket shirt.

It’s as soft as my beloved pajamas, and the gentle swing style is just the right length to camouflage my Quarantine 15. I feel guilty spending this much on a t-shirt, but paired with black leggings, it’s become my uniform for the new normal. Maybe someday I’ll get dressed up again, but not today.

Nikki Hardin is a writer of stories, musings, and memories. Her poetry has been published in Riverteeth JournalShe was the founder and publisher of skirt!, a monthly women’s magazine in Charleston, South Carolina. You can reach her at