The Daily Nikki

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Crispy Cheesy Pan Pizza. There Are Days When Salad Is Not A Reason To Go On Living.

Comfort Food

When quarantine started to drag on and on, I started craving comfort food. Yes, this has led to the quarantine almost-15 settling around my waist and hips, but sometimes the NYT celery salad just won’t soothe the existential fear that attacks out of the blue. Recently, I discovered a recipe on the King Arthur flour website that combines pizza with a cast-iron skillet, a match made in heaven to this country girl. It’s the perfect Rx for those nights when the news is bad and the future uncertain and mozzarella is the only answer.

Nikki Hardin is a writer of stories, musings, and memories. Her poetry has been published in Riverteeth JournalShe was the founder and publisher of skirt!, a monthly women’s magazine in Charleston, South Carolina. You can reach her at